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Spatz Intragastric Balloon

Spatz Intragastric Balloon


· 1 YEAR IMPLANT– greater weight loss. 

More effective and longer lasting behavior modification.

· ADJUSTABLE – greater patient comfort.

Renewed balloon effect for greater weight loss

What is Gastric Balloon?

Intragastric balloon therapy might be the ideal remedy if traditional weight loss methods have not succeeded for you. Typically, an endoscopic gastric balloon is suitable for adults with a BMI of 27-40.  It’s tailored towards individuals ready to take control of their weight loss journey and make a consistent commitment to transforming unhealthy habits.  It’s also a viable option for those requiring weight loss in a reduced timeframe to undergo surgery.

The Spatz3 gastric balloon can be fully customized to meet your needs. This exclusive adjustability feature is designed to allow for comfort as you adapt the volume, achieving continued weight loss by avoiding plateaus – because our size fits all.

With all gastric balloons, the weight loss effect is diminished around the fourth month as the stomach adapts to the balloon’s volume. Spatz3 is the only balloon that can be up-adjusted to rejuvenate the weight loss effect, leading to an additional 15.2% excess weight loss.

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